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Don’t Let Fear Stop Your Fitness! 5 Fitness Fear Solutions & 3 Fitness Application Methods – You

Writer's picture: You.Better! StudioYou.Better! Studio

5 Fitness Fear Solutions and 3 Fitness Application Methods.

If you allow the outside world to dictate how you are supposed to be, you will stay stuck in a fear-based reality without training your mind-body-spirit for overall health, fitness, longevity, vitality, self-confidence, and living life. Don’t stay stuck - get out of your own way with practical solutions and methods! Overcome fear and let's stay active!

Body positive senior citizen getting fit with weights

You can feel good about getting fit by first determining you need to take action. Therefore, deciding on a change and taking steps to do something to change or improve it is Fitness Fear Solution #1 – Decision/Action. Naturally, as with any course of improvement, it is a process. One primary obstacle to successfully embarking on this venture is giving yourself excuses, which then give you a “good reason” to opt out and stay stuck where you are. One recent survey did provide some insight on how people create a story in their heads about how others will view them. You'll find more about the survey findings below.

The fact is, if you allow the outside world to dictate how you are supposed to be, you will stay stuck in a fear-based reality. This brings us to Fitness Fear Solution #2-Start Close To Home: look for a neighborhood place or a workout locale that is the opposite of a big gym. The nom du jour (or buzz word) now is “boutique” or “niche” venue. Normally, these places will have smaller sized classes or provide a specific type of training that will help you gain self-confidence in a few aspects of your health and wellness, and build body positivity, which can make a BIG impact in the effort you place to prioritize yourself.


It’s a pervasive feeling in our society. Many are worried about not being fit for all the obvious reasons—energy, health, vitality, and longevity. When 2,000 US residents were polled, it was found, that 49% of them felt intimidated by even thinking about being at a big gym. 46% had worried about potentially being judged by others, and 56% revealed fears that they would not look as fit as other gym attendees. To sum it up, their anxiety around gyms was aggravated by marketing and an increased emphasis on the use of technology. However, at the core of our humanity, we generally don’t want to feel or be inferior to others, and this extends to how we think, feel, act and look.


Looking at many advertisements, any images relatable to a “real person” can be difficult to find in the many marketing campaigns of big gyms. Bodies come in many shapes and sizes and bodies are constantly

Real woman doing squats at the gym

changing over time. Look past this and get over the mental rigidity that gives you the feeling that you must look or be a certain way. In reality, most of us wouldn’t even arrive at a fitness place as a top model, super-toned, or even sporting abs we can see (and if we can, they might resemble more of a 2-pack instead of a 6-pack). In real life, we can’t be photoshopped, despite the images promoted by marketers selling the idea of fitness for those who have already arrived (well, at least on the outside). Start where you are and just come in and be the real, wonderful and glorious person you are. You will have the knowledge of where you are heading based on your goals, not the image of marketers. The fact of the matter is, those folks you see in advertising materials represent a VERY small percentage of what you will find anywhere in society. Fitness places are for everyone, whether you look fit or not. We at YOU.Better! Studio have kept that in mind and are ready to meet you where you are to expand your fitness possibilities that extend to life opportunities. Moreover, it is a real place in your local neighborhood for training your body. Fitness Fear Solution #3-Real People, Locally: finding a niche location near where you live or work could be a great jumping-off point to give you that self-confidence you may need.


Don’t get fooled by the flash of gadgetry that pulls you further into the rigidity of standard programs and number counting, more hypnotic, retina-damaging blue light in your eyes. It is estimated that the average American already spends nearly 7 hours per day looking at computer, tablet and smartphone screens. This gives you all the more reason to pull you into your head with statistics versus getting back to your physical presence and actively living in your full body. Of course, don’t skimp on music! This feeds your body in a different sense instead of subjecting your brain to the drone of facts and figures, rep counting or FitBit statistics. In the end, technology is not needed, so push your intimidation aside if this is a sticking point for you. Even if a fitness place has all these technological bells and whistles, a good trainer or coach can point you to honest-to-goodness low-tech fitness items. You can always add them later if you feel more comfortable to do so or never because you feel so good being in your body without them. Hence, Fitness Fear Solution #4- More Body Sense and Fitness Fear Solution #5-Less Technology.

Woman exercising healthy habits by doing tricep pushups on a park bench


So many options are available to be fit and maintain this as a lifestyle--that is, a lifestyle where it becomes a regular part of your life and, generally, no longer feels like a concerted effort. It is going to be a challenge on some days, but you have to show up first to change how you feel. We offer solutions at You.Better! Studio. Getting physically fit is so accessible!

1) FITNESS APPLICATION METHOD - Attend a group class in person. So many classes are available these days. You can google for your local fitness place or studio (Note: Google search results may bring up options you never intended to find; many fitness studios may be listed as a GYM). You can also check out third-party vendor apps to find local establishments that you can then book directly on their websites.

2) FITNESS APPLICATION METHOD - Do It Yourself - While an earlier comment in the article talked about ditching electronics, you can use online downloads or streams, or even CD’s (if they’re still around). However, this option is more geared toward those who are physically fit, have great body sense and mechanics and generally know what they want out of their fitness routine, particularly if done without benefit of a personal trainer or coach. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. And as stated earlier, it focuses your attention on technology versus making human connections and paying attention to your own body. Finally, the images of models in the aforementioned tech-based methods--both male and female--are likely to be nicely packaged, that is, unless you have found a favorite real person on YouTube, for example.

Mother staying active with a balance ball exercise with toddler

This do-it-yourself option can be economical and provide you with an introduction to many kinds of general exercise moves and fitness terminology. Unfortunately, many of the videos out there show incorrect techniques that are copied and packaged as a one-size-fits-all method, and, thus, may not address your form and function needs and may unknowingly hurt you. In the end, you can also take a walk, join a sports team or league, view public access or a local TV station. You just need to prioritize your body and decide and schedule time for you to do it!

3) FITNESS APPLICATION METHOD - Better yet, let a Coach or Personal Trainer assist you. Find someone who has the right approach for you to move you forward with your goals.

Mother and son exercising outside

Find a place where you can meet one-on-one for privacy and to focus on you. Many times you can cut a session in half to get two 30-minute trainings. And with all the focus on you, cutting the time in half at a session can actually help you accomplish more! This can help you boost self-confidence to then join a “small group” training or even a larger class.


If you feel overwhelmed, your best solution is to find a professional personal trainer to assist you. They can create a fitness strategy and cultivate your physical fitness. It is a great jumping-off point to get you started or revive your current practice. The new or reignited confidence will get you there in no time. Sometimes finding a commonality with your trainer and the location you go to is very important.

A real-life approach to connecting with yourself is needed and these 5 Fitness Fear Solutions With 3 Fitness Application Methods can assist. This places you in the driver's seat for your mind-body-spirit and for your overall health, fitness, longevity, vitality, self-confidence and living life. Don’t stay stuck - get out of your own way with practical solutions and methods to prioritize your body!

Let us know what your fitness fears are, if you've overcome them and how you were able to do this, in the comments section. We'd love to hear from you!

YOU.Better! Studio. We work with you and have many energy and connection modality answers such as Personal and Group Training, Nutrition, Reiki and Meditation, Energy, and Chakra strengthening regimens to maintain, enhance, or rehabilitate energy, and Life and Career Coaching for You. Better! Checkout the website, Email us at, or call us at 414-939-4996. You are also encouraged to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


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You’re Worth It!

More fit. More life. You're worth it.



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